Tales from mother Earth by Jenny Bailey (NATIONAL CHILDREN’S GARDENING WEEK)
30th May 2020
It’s National Children’s Gardening Week for 2020 and we at Tales from Mother Earth together with Kabloom are thrilled to share this guest blog with you.
Any opportunity to get children engrossed in nature, whether searching for mini-beasts in the garden, building a bug hotel or planting some bee-friendly wildflowers is not one to be missed.
Trying to find things for children to do – particularly at the moment can be difficult. We want to encourage children to get grubby and experiment in their back gardens or a flowerpot, building bee and bug hotels. From planting that first Seedbom of wildflower seeds, to seeing the first bee stop by for its pollen once your flowers are blooming is really quite an exciting moment!
Encouraging children to get involved in nature and gardening in this way has more than just an educational effect. It can improve mental stamina, well-being, happiness, fitness, creativity – and so much more – and you could be starting them off with a lifelong passion for nature.
For us it’s all about looking after bees and allowing them to thrive. Bees pollinate our crops, allowing us to grow the fruits and vegetables we need to live. Sadly, bees across the world are in trouble and are facing an unpredictable future. This is due to habitat loss, farming practices and of course climate change.
We can help bees get the source of nourishment they need to thrive simply by clearing an area of your garden and planting wildflowers. It really is that simple. In turn, we feel better and our mental health improves because we know we are doing something worthwhile – helping nature. We can and should share this with children, as they will inherit the world one day and we must pass on the amazing goodness and wonder of nature to them.
We want to teach and help children understand that we all can make a difference no matter how small we are. Get involved, get started, do something out in your garden today to make a difference!
We at Tales from Mother Earth are a creative team of five friends who are passionate about developing young minds regarding conservation and helping children understand how their actions, no matter how small, can make an impact for good. We chose to do this by writing super stories and marvellous music, retelling the tales of our natural world in today’s climate.
Phoebe the Bee is an educational tale about a worker bee who through her courage and determination manages to save the hive and her family when her natural environment is threatened by modern development. Phoebe the Bee is our first story which we hope will ignite the conservationist in all who read it and empower them to help in some way. Take action by following our conservation tips and help bees today.
Bees need wildflowers… so let’s go and plant some!
Jenny Bailey – Author and Co-Founder – Tales from Mother Earth
#nationalchildrensgardeningweek #kidsgardening #talesfrommotherearth #kabloom #seedbom #gardening #outdoorplay #outdoorlearning #backtonature